Zeitgeist: Past Events

Date Event Title Watch recording here  
27th Apr 2024 SatRday Event      
20th-23rd Feb 2024 CUSP London Data Dive - 4 day Event By Invitation    
07th Dec 2023 14:00-15:00 Mike Brondbjerg - Data Visualization & Information Design Lead, City Intelligence Unit, London City Hall Data Visualisation in London’s City Intelligence Unit Mike Brondbjerg  
30th Nov 2023 14:00-15:00 Gabriel Diaz Cantareira - King’s College London (KCL) Applied Visualization Research: A guide for application-focused research in Information Visualization and Visual Analytics Gabriel Diaz Cantareira  
23rd Nov 2023 14:00-15:00 Matt Thomas Head of Strategic Insight & Foresight & Mathura Kugan, Senior Policy Data Analyst-The British Red Cross Data stories to counter misinformation about refugees in the UK Matt Thomas & Mathura Kugan  
16th Nov 2023 13:00-14:00 Maria Teresa Ortoleva - Artist in Residence KCL Mindscapes - Visualising the mind with sculptures and installation art    
09th Nov 2023 13:00-14:00 Camilla Siggaard Andersen, Hassell Studio Between variables and values Camilla Siggaard Andersen  
1st Nov 2023 12:00-16:30 CUSP London PhD Conference 13 speakers Presented their work    
19th Oct 2023 13:00-14:00 Bjorn Sommer - Royal College of Art Exploring the Oceans from a Design Perspective    
12th Oct 2023 13:00-14:00 Paul Dawson - Head of Evidence & Insight Mayors Office for Policing & Crime London (MOPAC) Telling Stories with Data – Reflections from City Hall Paul Dawson  
05th Oct 2023 13:00-14:00 Tom Calver - Data Projects Editor Times & Sunday Times Telling Stories with Data Tom Calver  
14th Sept 2023 11:20-16:15 #VizTig Symposium Welcome, Introduction to CUSP London & Partnership talks Nick Holliman, Shane Conneely, Patty Holley  
14th Sept 2023 #VizTIG Symposium Using set visualization to investigate diagnostic persistence in hospital health records for autism parents Roy Ruddle  
14th Sept 2023 #VizTIG Symposium More or less: Interpretations of absolute Magnitude in Data Visualizations Duncan Bradley  
14th Sept 2023 #VizTIG Symposium Visual summaries to assist structured medication reviews (visualization component of DynAIRx project) Layik Hama  
14th Sept 2023 #VizTIG Symposium Charting the way to Truth: Automated fact-checking with chart images Mubashara Akhtar  
14th Sept 2023 #VizTIG Symposium Responsible by (AI) Design Marios Constantinides  
14th Sept 2023 #VizTIG Symposium Jane Jacobs in the Sky Sanja Šćepanović-Stojanović & Edyta Bogucka  
14th Sept 2023 #VizTIG Symposium Open challenges for large language models for data insights and Visualization: A discussion around a real-life use case Alpay Sabuncuoglu  
14th Sept 2023 #VizTIG Symposium Vizent: A Python library for visual entropy glyphs and node-link diagrams Peter Baudains  
14th Sept 2023 #VizTIG Symposium Learning to Chart the High Dimensions Alex Telea  
4th Jul 2023 London Data Week Event 3D Urban Models: Applications & Digital Twins Binyu Lei & Filip Biljecki, Hector Menendez Benito  
4th Jul 2023 London Data Week Event 3D Urban Models: Applications & Digital Twins Gabriele Salciute Civilene & Andriy Hryvnyak, Peter Baudains, Rym M’Hallah, Nicolas Holliman, Sandor Petroczi  
12th/13th Jun 09:00-17:00 CUSP London Hosting a Visit by CUSP NYU N/A    
22nd Apr 2023 09:00-17:00 SatRdays - a day of R with special guest speakers Welcome to the Event Nick Holliman  
22nd Apr 2023 09:00-17:00 SatRdays - A day of R with special guest speakers What is “Production” anyway? MLOps for the curious Julia Silge  
22nd Apr 2023 09:00-17:00 SatRdays - a day of R with special guest speakers Why R is good for Journalism Oliver Hawkins  
22nd Apr 2023 09:00-17:00 SatRdays - a day of R with special guest speakers AutRmatic Reporting:billions of internet measurements, hundreds of reports and one repository to rule them all Botan Agin & Michael Stevens  
22nd Apr 2023 09:00-17:00 SatRdays - a day of R with special guest speakers Dark Corners of the Tidyverse Andrew Collier  
22nd Apr 2023 09:00-17:00 SatRdays - a day of R with special guest speakers “Put it on a Map!” - Developments in Air Quality Data Analysis Jack Davison  
22nd Apr 2023 09:00-17:00 SatRdays - a day of R with special guest speakers Does Code Quality even matter in data science? Russ Hyde  
22nd Apr 2023 09:00-17:00 SatRdays - a day of R with special guest speakers Sustainability& EDI (Equality, Diversity & Inclusion) in the R Project Ella Kaye & Heather Turner  
21st-24th Feb 2023 CUSP London Data Dive - Dr Jayati Das-Munshi Mental Health Analytics Dr Jayati Das-Munshi  
24th Feb 2023 CUSP London Data Dive Student Presentations Student Presentations  
24th Feb 2023 CUSP London Data Dive Student presentations and awards Awards  
26th Jan 2023 2pm-3pm Mike Brondbjerg Data Visualisation in London’s City Intelligence Unit (Projects, Process & Tools) Mike Brondbjerg Seminar  
24th Nov 2022 11am-12pm Laura O’Rourke Supporting Ukrainians in the UK: A Data Story Laura O’Rourke & Matt Thomas Seminar  
1st Dec 2022 11am-12pm Dr Björn Sommer From Virtual Reality to Immersive Analytics to Metaverse Björn Sommer Seminar  
17th Nov 2022 11am-12pm Camilla Siggaard Andersen Between Variables and Values Camilla Siggaard Andersen Seminar  
10th Nov 2022 11am-12pm Maria Teresa Ortoleva Imaginative Thoughts as Brainwaves, Sculptures, and Installations Maria Teresa Ortelova Seminar
13th Oct 2022 11am-12pm Dr Paul Dawson Reflections from City Hall Dr Paul Dawson  


21st-24th February 2023: CUSP London Data Dive - Mental Health Analytics - King’s College London
This was an amazing live hybrid event across 4 time zones - Australia, Singapore, USA and UK with 70 UG & PG students in 11 groups guided by 8 expert mentors.

Scenario and Data Sources: A Visual Analytics exploration of Mental health Data Correlations.
Teams & Mentors from KCL, UCL, Glasgow, NYU and Curtin University.
We were joined by several of our external partners: AccuCities 3D City Models, NHS NE London ICB, Ansell & Bailey Architects, Helix Data Innovation and WSP.

One of the highlights for me was witnessing first-hand how participants were able to transfer their data science skills into a detailed and compelling presentation on urban mental health within just three days. The content was informative and engaging........I would highly recommend this event to anyone interested in data science and seeing how it can be applied to real-world challenges.
Student participant


26th October 2022: CUSP London PhD Conference 12:30-17:30 King’s College London - Bush House

This was a wonderful event which included 11 speakers from 5 universities: King’s, Newcastle, Warwick, Glasgow, Edinburgh and LSHTM. The presenters were at different stages of their studies, and as such could provide identification, guidance, ideas and networking as well as pertinent questioning of the work presented. We will be hosting a PhD Conference again around the same time next year, please do let us know if you are interested in presenting!

A really useful and enjoyable conference! This was my first time at CUSP. It was a great chance to network with PhD students from across the country and meet professional people in visualization. Thanks for organizing! I look forward to next year

13th October 2022: CUSP London Seminar - Paul Dawson Mayors Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC)
Title: Telling Stories with Data – Reflections from City Hall

12th October 2022: CUSP London Women In Science Seminar Series: Professor Janet Pierrehumbert - The strong and weak suits of state-of-the-art NLP

6th October 2022: CUSP London Seminar Series - Tom Calver:

Title: Telling Stories with Data
Tom is Data Editor for the Times and The Sunday Times. He writes data-led stories and investigations and is responsible for visual digital journalism across both papers.


13th & 14th September 2022: The Turing Visualization Interest Group Symposium hosted by CUSP London and the Turing Network Development Award - at King’s College London.

Keynote presentation: Visualization from Digital Humanities Perspective Introduced by Professor Stuart Dunn, Head of Digital Humanities, King’s College London

What Data Visualization Reveals: Elizabeth Palmer Peabody and the Work of Knowledge Production, Professor Lauren F. Klein, Emory University
Please see the recording here

Wednesday 14th September 2022

Keynote presentation: Visualization from a Science and Engineering Persepective Introduced by Professor Nicolas Holliman - Director of CUSP London

The Landscape of Visualization: Future Challenges, Professor Min Chen, University of Oxford
Please see the recording here

Panel Session - “Priorities for Visualization Research in AI and Data Science”
Chaired by Professor Oliver Davis, Bristol University UK
Professor Klaus Mueller, NY Stonybrook, Dr Alma Cantu, Newcastle University, Dr Maria-Cruz Villa-Uriol, Sheffield University Professor Cagatay Turkay, Warwick University UK
Please see recording here

More Information

Contact us here.

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